Marty Stallone

Content for Entrepreneurs


How to Handle Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

When it comes to the workplace, there have been several HR policies set in motion that can make or break the workplace.

The most recent addition in several states has been the legalization of medical marijuana. Therefore, if you are an employer of a medical marijuana patient or an employee, how do you manage it in the workplace?

How Employers Can Manage Medical Marijuana

When it comes to the workplace, employers are aiming for a safe environment. That safety also goes for those that are patients that need medical marijuana in order to continue their performance while on the floor.

According to Robert Butchike, only a handful of employees have been educated on the use of working while using their medication, employers have stated that they are concerned for their safety as well as stated by the CalChamber Advocacy. This can start with the drug-free workplace. A company, by law, still has the right to drug test their employee’s pre or during employment.

Depending on the state, a Medical Marijuana Act may have already been signed by the Governor. If this is your state, looking into the specs may give guidance for managing this topic. The act protects patients that have a serious medical condition. There are 21 conditions protected by the act. After reviewing HR practices in different states, Robert Butchike has noticed that Pennsylvania is one of the states that have this act implemented for employers.

Knowing beforehand about the condition your potential employee has or if it was developed after employment should be the first step. Discussing what you expect in your workplace with those that are patients is another managing tip because this is a part of how human resources can set the tone in the workplace. Know not only your rights to have a zero-tolerance workplace but also the rights of the employee because this can raise legal issues down the road.

If your company would like to maintain a zero or drug-free workplace – if keeping the existing policy – make sure that new and current employees understand that they are either not use their medication on your premise, within 1000 ft of the workplace, a certain amount of hours before their shift, or if you would like a specific drug test to compare with their prescription on how much should be consumed during a particular amount of time.

Bigger companies will need to revamp their HR policies if they are considering employing those with medical marijuana ID cards. Check this card, the provider, dispensary, and condition about why it was prescribed.

How Employees Can Manage Medical Marijuana

Before going into an interview, review the company and find out what their policies are regarding medical marijuana. If there are none placed, it is best to be upfront with the interviewer.

They may be the type of workplace that works with patients that have ID cards.
Do understand that you fall under the “qualified disability” clause whether before or after employment. Understand that there are compliances that should be followed and negated within the employee handbook and HR workplace policies. If such has not been distributed or misinformation was giving, advise HR or immediate supervisor to discuss what the standards are